Monday, 29 September 2014

Preliminary exercise

Preliminary Exercise

Produce a continuity exercise which involves a character opening a door crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite to a character, with whom the task should demonstrate:

Match on action: where the shot perspective of the shot changes during a scene to focus on an object. The shot is different however the action is still the same. The shot draws the attention to the focus point/action.
Shot/Reverse Shot: often used in a conversational scene where the shots would alternate between characters showing them looking at each other. The back and forth dynamic of the shot works like a conventional conversation showing action and reaction.
180 Degree Rule : to create this effect, an imaginary line called an axis is created that connects two characters in one shot. When the scene and line is established the camera must keep on one side of the line in the shot. It shows the two characters in one shot facing each other clearly to the audience.

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