Wednesday 8 April 2015

Thriller Demographic

The BBFC sets most thriller films with a rating of 15 which aims thrillers directly at a more mature audience. Most thriller films also have a viewer-ship of 15-40 year old indicating a mature yet conventionally modern audience. 

Thriller appeals to both females and males with the mystery genre being predominantly viewed by women (e.g. Midsommer Murders/Insomnia)  and the action thriller (e.g. James Bond/Jason Bourne). With elements of both conventions, we intend for our film to appeal to both genders while being predominantly aimed at 15-40 year old viewers. Despite this, the largest more select viewer-ship is 15-21 year old views statistically. Therefore, a thriller with a younger cast is likely to attract this core group more rather than the conventional cast age range of 27-70 (with the Da Vinci Code as an example).

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